Barka Book Club


Barka Canada is pleased to continue its Weekly Book Club at 7pm on January 16th 2023. Our group has read a number of books last year (Being Mortal, The Power of Now, and The Power of Your Subconscious Mind) with rich discussions developing on various topics.

The next book we discuss will be The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav. The book will be sent through e -mail for those who are interested.

Our goal is to read books that give practical advice on how to live a better life, and to explore sometimes difficult topics in a safe and supportive group setting. The sessions are in Polish.

We will be meeting on Monday evenings through ZOOM, there is no charge for the group members. More technical details and assistance will be available.

We ask everyone that would like to participate this year to choose ONE book for the upcoming year and provide a brief explanation why they think it is worth reading.

Inquiries should be emailed to


Z przyjemnością ogłaszamy kontynuacje Barkowego Klubu Książki o 19:00 dnia 16 stycznia 2023 r. Nasza grupa przeczytała w zeszłym roku wiele książek (Śmiertelni, Potęga Teraźniejszość, i Potęga Podświadomości) z żywymi dyskusjami rozwijające różne tematy i zagadnienia.

Kolejną książkę którą omawiamy będzie The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav (Siedlisko Duszy). Książka będzie rozesłana elektronicznie dla zainteresowanych.

Naszym celem jest czytanie książek, które dają praktyczne porady, jak żyć lepiej i poruszać czasem trudne tematy w bezpiecznej i wspierającej grupie. Spotkania są w języku polskim.

Będziemy spotykać się co tydzień w poniedziałkowe wieczory przez ZOOM. Nie ma opłat dla członków grupy. Więcej szczegółów technicznych i pomocy będzie dostępnych niedługo.

Prosimy wszystkich, którzy chcieliby wziąć udział w tym roku, o wybranie JEDNEJ książki na nadchodzący rok i krótkie wyjaśnienie, dlaczego uważają, że warto ją przeczytać.

Zgłoszenia prosimy przesłać na

Barka Community Farm Summer 2022

We would like to thank everyone who contributed their time, money, equipment, and warm wishes to make our farm in Abbotsford a success!

This year we produced delicious and organic cucumbers, zucchini, patty pan squash, summer squash, kale and garlic. It took many long days of hard work to make our farm flourish. Our team bonded by overcoming difficulties (greenhouse blown away by wind) and we are already making plans for the next season.

A special thank you goes to Russ and Lynn for allowing us to use their land. None of this would have been possible without your generosity and support!

A Farmer Never Rests

The recent floods have reminded us how important it is to support local agriculture. Barka’s roots are in farming and helping people reconnect with nature and health, so this year we began a fundraising project in Abbotsford.

All of our initiatives are led by volunteers, but we need funding to cover our operating costs and to reach more people. With your generosity, we will be able to rent larger meeting spaces and pay for transportation (gas).

To raise money, our gardeners will be selling locally grown nutritious vegetables from a Community Farm – to learn more about the project please watch our video:

This holiday season, please consider contributing to our fundraiser:

For a PayPal donation, please specify the items in the note section.

Thank you for all your support, we wish you all a safe and warm Christmas and New Year.



New Rapid Access to Addiction Care Clinic opens in New Westminster

A new Rapid Access to Addiction Care (RAAC) clinic has opened in New Westminster to support people in the Fraser Health region. No referrals, appointments, or prior diagnosis are needed. Walk-in service is available Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. There is also also an adult Day, Evening, Weekend (DEW) Treatment program. See a Fraser Health article about the clinic.

The new clinic is located in

Mental Health and Substance Use Wellness Centre – first floor
Royal Columbian Hospital campus
330 East Columbia Street
New Westminster
tel. 604-527-2904

This is the second RAAC clinic in the Fraser Health region. Please see the locations of all Fraser Health RAAC and Opioid Agonist Treatment (OAT) clinics.

In case you were wondering, the Fraser Health region includes areas from Burnaby, New Westminster, and Delta to the East of the Fraser Valley up to Hope. See a Fraser Health region map.

If you think you may have some substance use problems, we encourage you to speak to the professionals in the RAAC and addiction medicine services. If you feel overwhelmed and need personal support to start or to continue this process, please call us at Infoline +1 604-302-3060 or contact us through this website.

COVID-19 Update

Despite restrictions brought on by the Covid pandemic the Barka Canada team continues to serve its community. Our AA group has continued to meet, first online through Zoom meeting platform. As the warm weather continued the meetings were held in local parks or church parking lots as permitted. Our Thursday support group has continued to meet mainly through Zoom with a few in-person get togethers sprinkled in. We will continue to support those attending our meetings and others who need our help while ensuring everyone’s safety.

The Barka team wishes everyone a healthy and peaceful Thanksgiving.